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JoyClick Sprite 1.0---Click Web Element without Finger


New Member
Jan 19, 2012
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App URL: App Store - JoyClick Sprite
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/JoyClickStudio

JoyClick Sprite


JoyClick Sprite is a web browser for entertainment, which supports joyful features including sprite clicking web elements, voice control, transparent background, free drawing on webpage. The sprite moves with gravity sensor of device. This app also supports basic function of web browser, such as bookmark, multi-tabs, downloading and sharing files, searching or translating selected text in web page.

Key Features
★ Web elements localization and clicking with sprite
★ Joyful interaction with sprite such as hitting and dragging
★ Voice control web browser
★ Make web page transparent like glass to see things behind device
★ Free drawing on web page for marking
★ Searching or translating selected text in web page with voice commands

√ Click web elements with sprite
If the sprite is enabled, it can move by gravity sensor of device. The balance angle of device is 45 degree, which you can modify in configuration. When the sprite is on a clickable web element, you can say "yeah" to click the element if "StayOverTime Click Trigger" is disabled. Otherwise the sprite will click the element after time threshold of "StayOverTime Trigger".
√Joyful interaction with sprite
The expressions of sprite are corresponding to different operations. For example, the sprite will laugh while clicking. You can also hit the sprite with your finger. If you drag the sprite and free, it will be thrown for distances.
√Voice control web browser
Most of operations can be made by voice control commands, which are listed in homepage of app. For example, you can say "go back" to navigate backward. you can access some top sites with voice commands, which are also listed in homepage. For example, you can say "yahoo" or "facebook" to access corresponding site. The voice control can be enabled or disabled.
√Transparent background
First make sure voice control is enabled and your device has rear camera. Then you say "enable transparent" to make web page transparent like glass to see things behind device, for the reason of activation of rear camera and mixing of web page and camera image. You can say "disable transparent" to exit transparent background mode.
√Free drawing on web page
First make sure voice control is enabled. Then you say "enable painting" to enter into painting mode, which enables you to draw on web page with finger freely. This function can be used to mark in webpage to interpret to others. You can say "disable painting" to exit painting mode.
√Searching or translating selected text
First make sure voice control is enabled. After selecting some words in web page with finger, you say "search selected" to search keywords with default search engine, which can be configured in homepage. After selecting some words, you can say "translate selected" to translate keywords.
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