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iPhone 6 Supply Finally Catches up With Demand


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports that those customers in the United States who are looking to buy an iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus can finally get one without waiting.

Yes, it would seem that almost four months after the launch of the two phones, all but one versions of both models are now showing as “in stock” in the Apple store, and AppleInsider says that spot checks at Apple’s retail stores in southern US have revealed that most models are in stock for immediate purchase in the stores too.

And even the one phone that isn’t in stock, the SIM-free iPhone 6 Plus, only has a one-day waiting period.

European supplies are also picking up, according to AppleInsider, but it seems that supplies in China are still found wanting, with would-be customers still having to pre-register online to reserve an iPhone 6. Spot checks at Apple retail stores in Hong Kong have revealed lines of customers waiting during the day to get their hands on a new phone.

Source: AppleInsider