iPhone 5S Touch ID

iPhone 5S Touch ID

My question is can the feature be turned off or do you HAVE to use the fingerprint scanner?

I am pretty sure that you can configure the device so that you do Not require to use Finger Print Recognition . My problem is just the opposite to yours:

I do not want to use the pass code but just want the device to give only the option to use the Finger Print recognition feature to access the phone. However, now matter halos the settings were manipulated in the device, I could not get it to work. Apple Care advised me that they would have to address this next week with the software engineers and get back to me.... Any thoughts?
I was only asking similar to previous post , but couldn't the normal keypad password be entered when you connect to iTunes then re activate the password function via iTunes on the device , thus ensuring confidentiality ?

I was just wondering if the fingerprint could be used as a sole means of access without an option to unlock using slide to unlock , & that slide to unlock could be used by clicking combination of volume buttons to display the keypad ?

Just enquiring :-)
Absolutely right. My point exactly. For some reason I think there is a software issue with Touch ID that does Not allow for Finger Print Recognition to be the only access method to unlock the phone. I certainly hope they change this... If anyone has a solution, it would greatly be appreciated.
My question is can the feature be turned off or do you HAVE to use the fingerprint scanner?

When you first setup the phone, you have the option to enable or disable it. It's a great feature and I really like it.
Thing is, if this fingerprint ID is supposed to be more secure , which I believe it is , why on earth give the option to enter a 4 digit pin so easily .

There's really no point in having fingerprint ID if a pin code can be used as an alternative method .

A secure system is only as good as it's weakest point , ergo fingerprint ID has no security on ios 7 iPhone 5s as it's bypassed easily by using the 'old' 4 digit pin .

Find a way to fix this and you've got the security that fingerprint ID was designed for , if this isn't fixed then what's the point in having it , as it just runs parallel to the 4 digit password .
Thing is, if this fingerprint ID is supposed to be more secure , which I believe it is , why on earth give the option to enter a 4 digit pin so easily .

There's really no point in having fingerprint ID if a pin code can be used as an alternative method .

A secure system is only as good as it's weakest point , ergo fingerprint ID has no security on ios 7 iPhone 5s as it's bypassed easily by using the 'old' 4 digit pin .

Find a way to fix this and you've got the security that fingerprint ID was designed for , if this isn't fixed then what's the point in having it , as it just runs parallel to the 4 digit password .


Now I see the problem. You don't know how to properly use the security system as it was designed for the last 3 versions of iOS. You have, in fact, assumed that a 4 digit pin is the only option.

Go back into settings and set the toggle for simple password to off. Then change the password, like I have, to a 9 or longer character password with upper, lower, numerical and special characters.

Won't go into the math on how long it will take to crack that but let's put it this way if you don't use a real word, you'll be dead before your phone is compromised.

Apple designed the system properly. You failed to learn how to use it properly.
Ah hah , thanks for understanding my little error . I appreciate the help and now understand the reason for the longer password :-)

If that had been explained earlier it'd be understandable as to why the fingerprint ID is far easier & safer .

I shall now change my password to something more considerable in length & fully utilise the ID function more .

Big thanks to you for your help & my apologies for the misunderstanding on my behalf .

Cheers :-)
Question- is there anyway to have more than one print? Like maybe one for each thumb ?
The Touch Sensor works flawless, and does exactly what its supposed to do. Given any substantial time any crook can probably break into any phone, this just slows them down. It beats putting in the security code every time I pick up my phone, for that alone its PRICELESS
I came across this and read the article Skull mentioned. Thanks Skull. Everybody in this world using an iPhone should read it. Not only the iPhone 5s guys. The basic principle is, that lots of people just write crap and spread "rumours" regarding iPhone and Apple. This article shows that Apple is a responsible company and that the products are of such a high standard taking the average user into account. I'm using my 5s with touch id. It's working more than 100% and a real innovation that can be used by the average user. Like my wife and daughter, who really is not tech savvy. Thanks for your ALWAYS high quality and informed and professional responses.

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