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iPhone 4 Insurance in Canada


New Member
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Delray Beach USA
When it comes to getting to best iPhone 4 Insurance in Canada which covers Lost & Stolen as well as Accidental Damage (Spills and Drops) look no further than Ensquared Canada www.ensquared.ca

Ensquared provides 1 Year iPhone Insurance for only $69.99 CAD with 2 claims of $1300 each. Ensquared Canada will insure all iPhone 4 Devices Locked and Unlocked up to 90 days old.

Ensquared also offers 2 Year iPhone Insurance for only $69.99 CAD with 3 claims of $1300 each. Ensquared Canada will insure all iPhone 4 Devices Locked and Unlocked up to 90 days old.

Buy Iphone 4 Insurance from Ensquared either online or by calling Ensquared. it should take around 4 minutes to insure your loved iPhone device. You will be so happy you did 1