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iOS “Heard” app records what you heard 5 minutes ago


News Team
Nov 27, 2012
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For every human being around the globe, this mantra is true: when something happens, it stays in the past. But every day technology comes up with more and more inventions that can help us challenge even time itself.

For example, meet this new little app for the iPhone called “Heard”. This software has the ability to turn your smartphone into a recording device, but it does not produce long boring audio files. Instead, it records everything using a buffered loop. The buffer can be adjusted to 30 se​​conds, 1 minute or 5 minutes. Once the user starts the app, it will start recording everything in the vicinity of where the smartphone is positioned.

The app is advertised as the means to “Turn your iPhone into a time machine” and take back those precious minutes when your child uttered his/her first words or recover that extremely important piece of information you forgot.

So, how does the app know what’s noise and what do you really need to keep? Well, it cuts up the long audio file into snippets. When you play them after the recording has been done, you are allowed to choose which you want to keep and which you want to delete. The most hilarious snippets can then be immediately shared on popular social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

If you are curious to see how the app works, you can download the free version first, which allows for only 12 seconds of real time recording. If ‘Hear” ends up convincing you, you can purchase the full version for $1.99.