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If you think that a walk a CES might get you only information about futuristic smartp


Staff member
May 27, 2010
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If you think that a walk a CES might get you only information about futuristic smartphones, tablets or TVs, well you couldn’t be more wrong. The CES is also a great place to dig up interesting and promising accessories. Like the Celluon Prodigy, whose main purpose is to provide a battery case for the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S, but comes with an extra tweak.

The easiest thing you could with Prodigy is charge your phone of course, but what makes this particular case special is the fact that it can project an interactive infrared keyboard on a flat surface of your choosing. Now texting and emailing from your iPhone is way easier!

Yes, maybe the Prodigy isn’t the prettiest thing to look at but, what it lacks in attractiveness it makes up with coolness and utility. So far Culluon doesn’t plan to actually release the Prodigy on the market. It might wait a few months in order to adjust and better develop the technology. The Prodigy showcased at the CES is only a prototype after all. Engaged already tried it out and had a few bad things to say about the experience:

"We noticed both conceptual and functional problems with Prodigy in our brief time with it. For one thing, while the case is as svelte as other battery cases, it’s a great deal longer thanks to the infrared projecting beam and attached camera, which tries to extrapolate where your finger is when it cuts through the beam and what key you meant to hit."

We hope the Celluon team will look into these technical difficulties, before they go ahead and send Prodigy off to the stores with a price tag of $190.

Source: phonesreview.co.uk