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Icons disappear when I try to move them


New Member
Sep 22, 2011
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For some reason my icons dissappear when I try to move them. The text underneath is still there but no icon!? I can respring and they will come back, but the dissappearing problems remains. Can someone point me in the right direction? I'm runnin jailbroken 4.2.8. Thanks
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I have the same problem and have played with several settings with no luck.

I'm running an iPhone 4 w/ iOS 4.3.3 (redsn0w). I did a Cydia update yesterday and, after a respring, all of my icons had disappeared. Including my folders on the springboard. After some playing, I got the icons back but they weren't organized properly. When I selected one to move it, it disappeared. All labels are present, just no icons. Here are some notes:

1. As booted, all I see are icon labels. When the screen is first painted, like when I first swipe to unlock, I see the Winterboard background before an opaque overlay is drawn with the icon labels.
2. I rebooted in safe mode and everything is drawn fine.
3. Resprung out of safe mode and it's back to being hosed.
4. Using 'sbsettings->mobile substrate addons', I disabled the following components: FolderEnhancer, Iconoclasm, Gridlock, IconSupport, FiveIconDock, MultiIconMover and Shrink. Basically everything that seams icon or screen related. Now I see all the icons but when I try to move them, they still disappear.
5. My next steps will be blind stabs and experimentation so I'm hoping someone might have better insight to lend.

Thanks for any help.

I did some further playing with disabling mobile substrate addons. I disabled all components, then re-enabled by groups, then went back and forth to confirm my findings. It turns out that _SBRotator4 is the culprit. Interestingly, under regular 'Settings', I had told SBRotator4 to disable rotation anyway, since I wasn't using it.

I just downloaded the new update for SBRotator and all is well. Thanks for all the help!!!
I just tried the update and it did not resolve the problem on my system. As I said, I'm not using the app but I'll be happy to add details if anyone feels like tracking this down.
