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IBM Bars Siri from its Networks Because of Security Fears


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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AppleInsider reports today that IBM has moved to bar the use of the Siri and Dictation iOS features on its internal networks, due to concerns about security. Jeanette Horan, chief information officer for IBM, told MIT’s Technology Review that IBM has made the move due to the fact that the spoken data is sent to Apple to be converted to text, and therefore might possibly wind up being stored on Apple’s servers. Horan said that after surveying several hundred employees, IBM found that many were “blissfully unaware” of how certain apps on their iPhones could be possible security threats. Horan went on to say that IBM is “extraordinarily conservative” about security, because “it’s the nature of our business.” AppleInsider adds that Apple’s iCloud is also banned from IBM’s internal networks; IBM’s employees must instead use IBM’s own hosted MyMobileHub service. As AppleInsider notes though, it’s not just Apple products that have fallen foul of IBM’s stringent security measures, as Dropbox and similar services have also been banned from the company’s internal networks.

IBM bans Apple's Siri from its internal networks for security