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How to get a classic iPhone 5c For FREE!


New Member
Nov 12, 2014
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I just stumble upon this great offer when i was doing some research work today,so i decided to share it with you all.To get a classic iPhone 5c For FREE!, i just apply for free so you can hurry now before offer goes out. click EDITED to see if you qualify.

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Something wrong somewhere. Clicking on that link takes me to a website offering free apps - nothing more. You may want to look into that.

Thanks for trying, though. :)
Right now you can get a 8Gb iPhone 5c for free with a 2 year contract from Verizon...

Found that offer when I finally convinced the wife to ditch her flip phone and upgrade to a smartphone. Wound up getting her a 32Gb iPhone 5 for $29.00 with a 2 year contract.

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
Thanks for chasing that down, rasmith. Not a bad deal. Except for me - I prefer AT&T. But not to worry, I just googled "free smartphones" and there are a buncha different phone companies offering free smartphones.. not to mention Amazon and others. It's worth looking into. Thanks for bringing up the topic.... :)