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help me figure out when I got my iP5


New Member
Jul 15, 2014
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I was thinking, I don't know when I got my iPhone 5, how do I figure it out?
I was thinking, I don't know when I got my iPhone 5, how do I figure it out?
If you go to this site and enter your serial number, it will tell you when your warranty coverage ends. Subtract 1 year from that date and you should be at the date you purchased the iPhone, provided it was registered at the time of sale. https://selfsolve.apple.com/agreementWarrantyDynamic.do

scifan57, iPhone Forums Moderator
Last edited:
Thank you. Since I am apparently out of warranty, it does not show the date. I got my iPhone 5 right when they came out, I remember that it took ATT about a month to make delivery even after it was all paid for. Do you remember when they first came out?
September 21, 2012 was its coming out to play day so unless you bought Apple Care the warranty would have expired somewhere around the end of October 2013
That gets it close enough for me. Thanks.