Hello all,
My name is Gordon but everybody calls me Gordo. This is my first smart phone, and I am liking it a lot. I have had it for a few months now and it has changed the way I do a lot. I am an animation student learning 3d (like pixar). My gamecenter name is gordo24 same as here so if anyone wants to play a game of fruit ninja or something just add me. I also am looking for gun bros, bros so if you want to share them that would be awesome.
My name is Gordon but everybody calls me Gordo. This is my first smart phone, and I am liking it a lot. I have had it for a few months now and it has changed the way I do a lot. I am an animation student learning 3d (like pixar). My gamecenter name is gordo24 same as here so if anyone wants to play a game of fruit ninja or something just add me. I also am looking for gun bros, bros so if you want to share them that would be awesome.