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Hello from Michigan


New Member
Jun 16, 2010
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Just found this forum today while looking for forums on the iPhone 4. So far so good. Both my husband and I ordered the 32 gig black iphone 4's We are hoping to sell our 3Gs's on ebay and recoup some of the cash. We were able to upgrade our phones so we still have the unlimited data plans and that is kind of nice. Looking forward to learning every little detail about the phone and it's uses through informed members.

One little detail. Anyway we can get this forum to be compatible with my Tapatalk app. I can get on a couple of other forums through that one app and it would be nice if I could go to all my forums through the one single app. Thanks for considering it.
Just found this forum today while looking for forums on the iPhone 4. So far so good. Both my husband and I ordered the 32 gig black iphone 4's We are hoping to sell our 3Gs's on ebay and recoup some of the cash. We were able to upgrade our phones so we still have the unlimited data plans and that is kind of nice. Looking forward to learning every little detail about the phone and it's uses through informed members.

One little detail. Anyway we can get this forum to be compatible with my Tapatalk app. I can get on a couple of other forums through that one app and it would be nice if I could go to all my forums through the one single app. Thanks for considering it.

Welcome to the site and glad to have you aboard. Great suggestion on Tapatalk, I will get that going right away!
Responding from Tapatalk. Thank you very much. Now I have access any time from anywhere.