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Groupon's Service 'Snap' Gives Cash Back for Daily Groceries


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
Reaction score
Bay Area, CA
Let's face it, groceries are starting to get more expensive as time goes on and we could all use a little cash back in the long-run. Popular discounts and deals company Groupon has just created a semi-new service which adds discounts to grocery shopping.

Groupon's Snap is a new app that promotes brands and items found in a grocery store and gives user back $1 or more per item bought from the featured list. The list includes items anywhere from dishwasher detergent to diapers for babies. After purchasing an item on the list in Snap, the user can then take a picture of the receipt within the app, Snap will then confirm the purchase, and add whatever amount cash back it says for said item to the Snap wallet. After reaching a minimum of $20 in cash back, the user can then request a check in the mail and exchange it at the bank for solid cash.

The great thing about Snap is that it doesn't limit the user the a certain grocery store, it only matters that the specific item was purchased. I mentioned before that Snap is a "semi-new" service, this is because the service used to exist in Canada under the moniker SnapSaves. Groupon purchased the service a few months back and changes the name and interface of the app.

Since the service is try to save folks some cash, it's not mystery that Snap is now available in the App Store for free.