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Facebook Brings Graph Search Engine to iPhone Users


News Team
Nov 27, 2012
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Facebook has confirmed that it's ready to launch Graph Search in its mobile application for the iPhone and iPad this week. Graph Search uses natural language queries to surface content information from within a user’s network of friends. Doing this with the standard search feature would be almost impossible.

Tom Stocky, VP of Search at Facebook, said the following:

"Today we’re updating Facebook Search to make it easier to find the posts that have been shared with you.
You’ve given us a lot of feedback on the Graph Search beta. You’ve told us the most important thing is being able to find posts you’ve seen before, and now you can. With a quick search, you can get back to a fun video from your graduation, a news article you’ve been meaning to read, or photos from your friend’s wedding last summer."

The new feature is pretty straightforward, as all you need to do is tap on the search bar in the iOS app, start typing and watch as Graph Search fetches. You can make use of natural language queries, such as “my friends who live in the UK" in order to limit your search to specific friends, lists, locations, timelines and other things.

Source: Facebook