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Exporting Individual Calendars


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2017
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On the Calendar app one finds calendars for Anniversaries; Business; Holiday... that are stored on the iCloud or even perhaps locally. Is there any way to export a complete list of all entries over a year for some or all of these calendars? For example, on some of the calendars I have duplicate entries so I would like to see what is on e.g. Birthdays and Anniversary to see where the duplicates are. Currently it appears that I would have to enable all calendars and then go through month by month, which seems rather long winded. Perhaps there is another Calendar app allowing me to do the above.
I think that I have found the solution. I found earlier that I could display the calendar in iAmazing, but I had not spotted the Export icons at the bottom right hand corner and have exported to Excel (CSV being an option.) I still have to work out how to determine how to differentiate between the different calendars.

In case it is of interest to others, the following lists the fields exported:
Subject, Start, Start Date, Start Time, End, End Date, End Time, All Day Event, Description, Location, Private, Location Address, First Alarm, Second Alarm, Travel Time, Busy, Unique Identifier, Recurrence Frequency, Recurrence Interval, Recurrence Count, Recurrence End Date, Participants,