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Eight Useful iPhone Apps are Free for A Limited Time


iPhoneForums.Net News Team
Staff member
Jun 18, 2010
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Aura app going free.JPG

BGR has a great article today about eight extremely useful iPhone apps that are currently available for free for a limited time. As BGR notes, as is the way with special free app offers, there’s no indication as to when the free offer will end, so best to act while you can!

The free app list kicks off with Templates for Keynote Professional, which is a very polished templates collection that normally costs $4.99.

Next up we have Pro Photo Camera, which gives you precise control over focus, exposure, ISO, shutter speed, white balance and flash level, simply by moving the slider, and which normally costs $0.99.

Third on the list is Tekster, which is a video player with subtitle translation that normally costs $0.99.

Aura is the next great app, which is a popular photo-taking and editing app that normally costs $2.99.

Number 5 on the list is BUZL Watch, which usually costs $1.99, and is a priority task list manager.

Number 6 is Still Cut, which can be used to extract pictures from videos, and which normally costs $0.99.

Number 7 is Calorie Watcher, which has a wide range of features for people who are looking to lose or gain weight, and usually costs $2.99.

And last but by no means least, we have VideoStitch, which lets you collage videos and photos together, and which usually costs $3.99.

Source: Best Free iPhone Apps 8 paid iOS apps on sale for free May 18 BGR