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i'll gift daily for everyone who gift gems for me. add me : Cuong DC
Add me on gamecenter. My GC ID is: Orbain

I'd you gift me in dragonvale, I guarantee I'll return the favor!


Once again, add: Orbain
me agian i just sent you a freind reguest. Like i said 2,000,000 coins for 15 gems or anything you have to offer. Oh by the way im sending this to Orbain
any body out there send me a friend request. My gc id is YO-YO911. If not capital letters in yo-yo than just use yo-yo911. Once again 2,000,000 coins for 15 gems oh did i mention im talking about dragonvale
please anybody everybody send me a friend request at Yo-Yo911 i will send you 2,000,000 coins just for about 20 gems or whatever you offer. And after you do come see my moon dragon he should be here in a couple of hours.... or less if you give me gems. Once again in return for at least 12 gems i will no matter what give you at the most all the coins i have
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just a shout out to zeeman08, orbain, and kinect4U. thank you guys so very much i will hopefully get those 2,000,000 coins to you guys in the next couple of days or maybe tonight but you guys are awsome
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oh and i was also going to give 10,000 coins to the members who join in the next 15 minutes
one last thing if you dont have 15 gems to give to me for 2,000,000 i will still give you 500,000 coins just for being my friend
Please add me. lb2664. I keep a note of all users who send me gifts and always return them in turn. I am seriously addicted to Dragonvale and am currently at level 20. I play several times a day.
i am bored of dragonvale but come online daily. I will give gems to as many ppl who friend me but DO NOT WANT ANY IN RETURN. I know u guys have friends u want to give gems to.

Game Center ID = Alphavirus95
Please add me and I will send u gems if u send me gems Id Spekalo6
Thank you