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Circlic: Strategic defense game


New Member
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score

Evil circles try to overtake the world! Circlic is a tower defense game in its purest form developed by ***Moderation Notice: External links have been removed by iPhoneForums staff in accordance with Forum Rules.***. It is your job to build and upgrade highly advanced towers which fire on the nearest circle. As soon as an enemy reaches a certain size it's reinforced and tries to prevent you from reaching your goal: Complete destruction of all circles and reach the final level.

Do not forget to turn up the sound. The soundtrack is a real highlight of the game.

We'd highly appreciate any suggestions and comments on our first game.

App Store: Circlic on iTunes
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We just updated Circlic to v1.1 which displays better menu and added Credits.

Please note that currently there's a bug in iOS 7.0 (iOS 7.1 works just fine) that scrambles the layout of the game. We'll fix this issue in the next release.