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Cannot receive imessages, but i can send them


New Member
Oct 2, 2013
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Hi All, I updated to the new ios7 two weeks ago. I then noticed that people were receiving my text messages as emails. I turned off Imessager, turned it back on and I was them able to add my phone number so at least I could text instead of it going via email.
Now I can send iMessages, but my iPhone friends messages come through to me as normal messages. I've tried numerous people with this and it's all the same. My messages out go as iMessages but incoming show as normal on my phone and the senders also.
ANY help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I have an iPhone 4S and I am no wiz kid on these.
Thank you in anticipation.
Thank you. I did try that and at least I could add my phone number in my settings and then use iMessage to send instead of email.
Only issue now is people cannot iMessage ME. It works when I send but not receiving.
Thanks for your time, much appreciated.
Make sure they've done the same as well. Remember that iMessages works both ways, so if they're having the same problem you have, they have to undergo the same procedure probably to get it working on both ends.
iOS 7.0.3 should fix a lot of iMessage issues like this one. Just sit tight if nothing else is working. It should be released sometime next week.