Camera Roll

Camera Roll

5er driver

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Aug 11, 2010
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I deleted all pics and vids from the Camera Rolls of my iPhone 4S and New iPad. I then created a folder on my W7 desktop and filled it with pics and vids to sync to my iPhone and iPad Camera Rolls. The sync to the iPad Camera Roll went flawlessly. And this is what I got on the iPhone:


Both devices are running iOS 5.1. I do not use iCloud Photo Stream. As you can see, none of the pics or vids synced to the iPhone Camera Roll. Instead, iTunes, through its infamous wisdom, created 2 different folders (Photo Library & iPad and iPhone Vid & Pic Sync) and duplicated the files in each. I cannot delete either folder and I cannot delete the files within them.
So, Apple, if you are reading this, why am I stuck with these 2 folders with duplicated files?
Can anyone offer any advice on how to get the files onto the Camera Roll? I don't want extra folders and I damn sure don't want duplicated files.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using
That's how normally works, you cannot change that. As far as the camera when you plug the device into your computer you will be giving a option about what do you want to do. View files and look for DCIM and put the pics there
Thanks Crank, but I can't drag the files to the DCIM folder of the Camera Roll.
And I need to clarify something in my original post. The pics and vids that synced to the iPad did go to an album and not directly to the Camera Roll. I assumed they were on the Camera Roll. I just now saved a pic attached to an email and it is the only one on the Camera Roll, all the others (178 of them) are in an album. But just one album, not 2 and duplicated as on the iPhone. :/
So, I'm figuring that there is no way to sync or drag pics and vids onto the Camera Roll. Even if you drag existing files off, you can't drag them back on. Pics and vids that go onto a device go into an iTunes created album.

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Last edited:
I deleted all pics and vids from the Camera Rolls of my iPhone 4S and New iPad. I then created a folder on my W7 desktop and filled it with pics and vids to sync to my iPhone and iPad Camera Rolls. The sync to the iPad Camera Roll went flawlessly. And this is what I got on the iPhone:

View attachment 5811

Both devices are running iOS 5.1. I do not use iCloud Photo Stream. As you can see, none of the pics or vids synced to the iPhone Camera Roll. Instead, iTunes, through its infamous wisdom, created 2 different folders (Photo Library & iPad and iPhone Vid & Pic Sync) and duplicated the files in each. I cannot delete either folder and I cannot delete the files within them.
So, Apple, if you are reading this, why am I stuck with these 2 folders with duplicated files?
Can anyone offer any advice on how to get the files onto the Camera Roll? I don't want extra folders and I damn sure don't want duplicated files.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using

My advice iTunes does nothing but mess most things

Get a Dropbox account!

Download the free Dropbox folder, and literally whatever files you drop in that folder will show up in the Dropbox app on your phone. Always.

Then just save use pic from the Dropbox app to your camera roll.

That's what I have been doing ever since I realized just how syncing anything beside music & apps works with iTunes. Sooooooo....I simply do not use iTunes for anything except my apps and music any more.
Thanks Zig. I've got Dropbox but haven't used it as you described, but I surely will!
And I have been using iTunes to sync only music and apps as well, but when I got the iPad in addition to the phone, I thought iTunes would be user friendly enough to get the same pics and vids on both devices without it f*cking something up. Well, it wasn't. I'm sure the files are on the phone only once but iTunes created 2 albums with the same files listed in both of them. And, the Camera Roll is still empty!

Sent from my iPhone 4 using
The misconception is what does "Photo Library" mean. It means ALL photo albums that reside on the phone. Simply put it is a pointer to every photo you have on the phone so you can do a slide show against all photos or you can select a folder you created and do a slide show from only that folder.

The Camera Roll is meant for photos you have taken on the iPhone, photos that are in the Photo Stream and you want permanently on your phone, photos from web pages or photos from text messages.

The design is actually very simple and affords the user the most flexibility while using the least amount of flash memory.
Thanks for the clarification, Skull. I assumed all the files resided in the Camera Roll.

Sent from my iPhone 4 using

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