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Blacklisted iphone

I don't know, which iOS are you having, but the best way to overcome this situation is to sell your iPhone. You can sell it to one who love gaming since, there is no way to make calls. Thus, it can be best utilized for gaming purpose.
I don't know, which iOS are you having, but the best way to overcome this situation is to sell your iPhone. You can sell it to one who love gaming since, there is no way to make calls. Thus, it can be best utilized for gaming purpose.
iPhones are normally put on a blacklist because they've been reported stolen. If a purchased second hand phone is discovered to be blacklisted, a refund should be demanded from the seller. Passing the problem onto another buyer by selling it isn't the right thing to do.
You should install new software in it with new serial number then your EDITED will be removed from blacklisted.
"Using" a new serial # is akin to changing the VIN on an automobile.....
It's called FRAUD!!!!:(
When in doubt.....DON'T!!!!!:rolleyes:
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