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Bitmen Studios has joined the fray


New Member
Apr 12, 2011
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Austria, Europe

my name is Mark from Bitmen Studios. We're a new developer and many of our team members were in the gaming business in the 80ies. We then have dropped out to other IT domains and now we're back to bring first class games to the iPhone and iPad.

Our current project is Air Force vs Luftwaffe, a fast-paced action game with great graphics and an even greater gameplay. We've worked hard on the custom physics engine, responsive controls and mission designs to make the game a great experience. We've been tweaking this baby for 5 months now and it is going to be released in May.

So, Air Force vs Luftwaffe will be released soon, till then, check out the game description at airforce.bitmen-studios.com or the trailer at youtube.com/watch?v=DXJDkeu5Hhk and let us know what you think about it.

Hope to stay in touch,
Mark, Bitmen Studios.