Apple sues samsung over patents

Apple sues samsung over patents


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Jun 23, 2012
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Seems like Apple will do anything to try to maintain its " 1 " spotlight. Once again Apple has a junction over the Samsung with the Galaxy Nexus
Seems to work too, this is a massively lucrative business, any company would fight every corner ti keep their (fair or otherwise) share.

Samsungs tablet was banned from sale in the states over copy issues last week.

Thats got ti sting a bit
Yes it does. But surprisingly I'm shocked android has not sued apple as well for patent use for instance the notification center.
All the large companies sue each other and many have gone after apple, personally I go with any product as long as I like it.. I stay out of these wars as its all good healthy competition for us the customer and they all have some pretty sweet products.
This battle will never end, in the beginning it was only Android, from which Apple felt threatened, now there is a whole army of companies that are working on smart phones, and most of them including the android and the samsung are highly successful and this is what made Apple rethink their values, and they finally started to go against the companies, since Android already has a good enough market and Apple knows that there is no use of going against Android, they have finally went on towards the Samsung, which somehow seems a vulnerable target, so lets see where will this battle lead!
Apple has always been aggressive at protecting its intellectual property. Always. This is nothing new, and they owe it to us, their shareholders, to continue to do do.

If Samsung or anyone else wants to license patents, Apple has always been willing to do so.

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