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96% of iPhone 4s Users Satisfied With Their iPhone!


New Member
May 5, 2011
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Apple does know how to please. And if there was any doubt the people love their iPhone, that has now been erased by a poll that found a 96% satisfaction rate among iPhone 4S users. A Change/Wave survey released yesterday reported that 77% said there were "very satisfied," and 19% said "somewhat satisfied." Only 2% said they were unsatisfied. You can read more on AppleInsider. In addition, those surveyed were asked what their favorite features are, with 49% saying Siri, 39% saying ease of use, and 33% saying they liked the camera.
They were also asked what they don't like, and the short battery life was indicated by 38%. Only 8% said that dropped calls were a "big problem." The survey interviewed 215 iPhone 4S users.
Clearly, Siri is a hit. And a big reason that the iPhone 4S is only picking up momentum. It's astonishing. News reports are saying that a survey of 4,600 iPhone 4S users found that 45% of iPhone 4S purchasers broke their contract in order to upgrade to the iPhone 4S. And 77% of these paid an early termination fee of more than $100.

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Only 215 users interviewed??? Out of millions of iPhone 4S users? Are you joking with us? Or it's apple insider which is making jokes on us? That's a non sense stats to give out, specially coming from Apple? Hard to believe that mythology actually, really.