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What's the big deal about jailbreaking anyway?

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Jun 7, 2012
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Yeah, so I can do a few more things that I couldn't do before, but at what cost? My phone now runs hotter, less battery life, and the menu glitches on occasion. Perhaps some of you can deal with these things, but if I wanted to deal with them, I would've gotten an Android phone in the first place.

I am going back to a previous backup and leaving jail breaking for the tweakers.

I don't have any of those issues. As long as you research apps before you install them and use the tweaks in the right manner, it doesn't affect the performance of the device at all.

Have you tried doing a fresh restore and setting it up as a new device and only installing compatible tweaks?
I have none of those issues and I've had phone both my wife's and my iPhones jailbroken for a long long time. My iPad 3 is also now jailbroken and it has no issues. I would not use an iPhone without jailbreak.

You just have to be a little bit intelligent about what you load on it. Read up on things before you install them, learn from others.
Been jailbroken since Absinthe 2.0 was released and have no issues. In fact my battery seems to be lasting longer.
Praecurvo said:
Yeah, so I can do a few more things that I couldn't do before, but at what cost? My phone now runs hotter, less battery life, and the menu glitches on occasion. Perhaps some of you can deal with these things, but if I wanted to deal with them, I would've gotten an Android phone in the first place.

I am going back to a previous backup and leaving jail breaking for the tweakers.


Sorry you couldnt get your jailbroken phone to work properly.

That is a risk to Jailbreaking. Tho all you have to do is know what you can and cannot install...and your good.

You cannot just install "anything" from Cydia ya know. Some packages were made for specific devices...some made for older iOS versions only...

A quick google on whatever tweak you may want to install before installing has alway done me good.

Try paying attention to what your installing next time (if there is one).lol.
wow - I am so glad I decided to Jailbreak mine. it's a totally different phone now and I can never go back. It is actually what it should have been right out of the box. Nothing special, just the right tweaks...sorry you had issues.
AZsteelman said:
It is actually what it should have been right out of the box.

Agreed. And I hope Apple are paying attention, perhaps they can add some features to future versions of iOS.
I've been jailbroken for about a day now and I'm liking it. My battery life seems to have actually improved. The tewaks are nice and I've only done a few so far.
Unless you research every little thing you want to install on your device about its compatibility and conflicts.....Jailbreaking is about trial and error.

Just because one person was jailbroken for week and messed up they're device doesn't mean that Jailbreaking just messes up your device.

It's open source software, and users need to look into things before diving and...and hoping nothing bad happens.

Me for example...

I have over 50 tweaks installed over 100 extensions from Cydia(mostly dependencies to make certain tweaks work)...and I even am running my first theme that I actually have no intentions of removing(that's a new one for me..never was much of themer). I still am not really...

My phone is fine. Basically working flawlessly.

While some people get as far as installing only a few tweaks...freeze up they're phone...and now have to restore.

It just takes time to know how to setup your device exactly the way you want...and still have a perfectly stable running jailbroken device.....like myself for example.

Sometimes it's not what you install...it's how you setup your device...and the order you install things.(yes...the order you install thing. Not a typo).

One tweak can work fine..apart from one of its features...

As u said...it takes time and patience to figure out he to setup your device to your liking and still have I nice smooth running Device.
zig9449 said:
Unless you research every little thing you want to install on your device about its compatibility and conflicts.....Jailbreaking is about trial and error.

Just because one person was jailbroken for week and messed up they're device doesn't mean that Jailbreaking just messes up your device.

It's open source software, and users need to look into things before diving and...and hoping nothing bad happens.

Me for example...

I have over 50 tweaks installed over 100 extensions from Cydia(mostly dependencies to make certain tweaks work)...and I even am running my first theme that I actually have no intentions of removing(that's a new one for me..never was much of themer). I still am not really...

My phone is fine. Basically working flawlessly.

While some people get as far as installing only a few tweaks...freeze up they're phone...and now have to restore.

It just takes time to know how to setup your device exactly the way you want...and still have a perfectly stable running jailbroken device.....like myself for example.

Sometimes it's not what you install...it's how you setup your device...and the order you install things.(yes...the order you install thing. Not a typo).

One tweak can work fine..apart from one of its features...

As u said...it takes time and patience to figure out he to setup your device to your liking and still have I nice smooth running Device.


I always check download stats, comments, screenshots, developer sites and YouTube vids before installing anything.. whether from Cydia or the app store.
Thank you everyone for your feedback and knowledge. I suppose you are right about choosing the right cydia apps. From what you all are saying is that SBSettings, Winter Board, and Activator are the reasons for my issues? Or perhaps it was because it was a brand new phone done with a fresh jailbreak that did it?

Truth be told, I know what I am doing and that is the issue with Jailbreaking. It works for some and not for others. Whereas simplified Apple factory products have a much higher ratio of working for more of the some.

Although your sharing is appreciated, it may be more productive (ie in a helping manor) to not assume and first ask what the issue is. Then this forum would continue to maintain itself as the plethora of knowledge it is.

Lol @ this thread.

Were you expecting any other reactions? You come into a jailbreaking forum, bash jailbreaking, get the facts thrown at you, and still don't accept it. LOL....comical

And to try and be helpful...(assuming u have all legit, paid for tweaks) winterboard, activator, and sbsettings will have no affect on your phone
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Praecurvo said:
Thank you everyone for your feedback and knowledge. I suppose you are right about choosing the right cydia apps. From what you all are saying is that SBSettings, Winter Board, and Activator are the reasons for my issues? Or perhaps it was because it was a brand new phone done with a fresh jailbreak that did it?

Truth be told, I know what I am doing and that is the issue with Jailbreaking. It works for some and not for others. Whereas simplified Apple factory products have a much higher ratio of working for more of the some.

Although your sharing is appreciated, it may be more productive (ie in a helping manor) to not assume and first ask what the issue is. Then this forum would continue to maintain itself as the plethora of knowledge it is.


Rather strange the these tweaks:

Would cause any problems...unless they conflicted with another tweak...which is extremely unlikely with those 3 particular tweaks.

SBSettings, WinterBoard, and Activator...are the very first tweaks that 99% of jail breakers will install.

I would point accusation at a default installed package before blaming any of those 3 tweaks.

Seriously...this 3 tweaks are like *priorities* for comparably in the Jailbreak community because if they're popularity.

I swear my phone starts running slightly smoother after installing SBSettings.

I am not sure what your problem is...but I would *seriously* bet my right arm and leg that SBSettings, Activator, and WinterBoard...did not cause any problems.

The most common source of problems on a jailbroken iPhone (besides installing incompatible tweaks, conflicting tweaks, or editing core files) is BACKUPS. Yea...iTunes backup files. *especially* iTunes backups that have jailbreak data in them.

What I'm saying is of you always restored and setup as new device before Jailbreaking(and never restores from a backup)...then your chances of having problems are very slim(provided you actually know what works, what doesn't, and research before doing anything).
Praecurvo said:
Truth be told, I know what I am doing and that is the issue with Jailbreaking. It works for some and not for others. Whereas simplified Apple factory products have a much higher ratio of working for more of the some.

Although your sharing is appreciated, it may be more productive (ie in a helping manor) to not assume and first ask what the issue is. Then this forum would continue to maintain itself as the plethora of knowledge it is.


Well, Aaron, I have to disagree that you know what you are doing, since if you did you would not have software issues with jailbreak. I've been in the software business for a long time. It's simply not true that it works for some and not for others. There is always a cause and a reason. There is no magic to it. The most common tweaks that you have listed have been tested on millions of devices. You don't seem to be willing to work with us here to help you out instead you would prefer to just have the satisfaction of blaming jailbreak on your problem that you have in all likelihood caused yourself.
That's fine as I have maintained that jailbreak is not for everyone. There are some people that I tell to stay away from it as I don't think they would understand it well enough to keep themselves out of trouble.
Unjailbreak your phone and be happy. Good luck.
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