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what will this do? harm?


Staff member
Jun 15, 2010
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United Kingdom
so this thread says this line of crap which is obviously a lie but i wanna know how it will harm the persons computer

Google home page users…

Has your Internet speed (loading of pages) taken a nosedive lately?

It may be because of a new Google attack (advertising) on customers called “Google AdSense” so to kill it add these two lines to the end of your hosts file at C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (in XP) using notepad… pagead.googlesyndication.com pagead2.googlesyndication.com

i know its something dodgy but does any one know what it will do
Where did you get that from? Ive no idea what it means but I wouldn't go deleting/modifying random files from my computer if I wasn't sure.
Where did you get that from? Ive no idea what it means but I wouldn't go deleting/modifying random files from my computer if I wasn't sure.

from another forum, i know its bs but i wanna know what it would do .. im not thinking of doing it firstly i am on a mac but i just want to know what this guy is trying to do...
Where did you get that from? Ive no idea what it means but I wouldn't go deleting/modifying random files from my computer if I wasn't sure.

from another forum, i know its bs but i wanna know what it would do .. im not thinking of doing it firstly i am on a mac but i just want to know what this guy is trying to do...

He's telling you how to add to your hosts file(pc) so that googles adsence doesn't work the way google wants it to by pointing it to a different location then it was originally intended to look
oh i see thanks for the info. ad block would do that job for pc users
oh i see thanks for the info. ad block would do that job for pc users

The cool thing(if done correctly) is that by editing the hosts file you don't have to add extra software to your machine to block the ads
yeah = less bloated machine... i use mac though but thats a nice thing for pc users
Even mac's slow down when there is too much stuff on them
yes they do. i crashed my mac with in the first 10 minutes of buying it and using it LOL
not sure. i wasent doing anything special just surfing the web and it froze wouldent do anything no matter what i pressed...
Its something that google does automatically so it should technically work for every Internet browser, again if the hosts file is edited correctly

And I say correctly because I have win 7 pro and irregardless of what I do and how I try it won't let me manipulate the hosts file
Well my internets going well just now so I'll wait and see. Don't want to go doing it wrong...

If it aint broke don't fix it I suppose...