Voice recognition not working

Voice recognition not working


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Nov 29, 2011
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My voice recognition isn't working, hasn't for days... When I first got the phone it would occasionally work depending on where I was. I called apple and they told me it might be defective, but then it started to work for about a month. Now it is acting like its not connected to a network to analyze the speech pattern... I will talk, it will process then no text appears... This is really getting frustrating.... Any help would be appreciated.
vonthaden said:
My voice recognition isn't working, hasn't for days... When I first got the phone it would occasionally work depending on where I was. I called apple and they told me it might be defective, but then it started to work for about a month. Now it is acting like its not connected to a network to analyze the speech pattern... I will talk, it will process then no text appears... This is really getting frustrating.... Any help would be appreciated.

Sorry, forgot... It's a stock 4s running latest OS.
You mean Siri. I've heard of the issues with it. It could possibly be the servers that it runs off of.

iCrank said:
You mean Siri. I've heard of the issues with it. It could possibly be the servers that it runs off of.


It's not just Siri, it's any thing that translates my voice to text... Emails, texting, notes, and Siri.
My 4s with the latest OS has been having issues with Siri and all other forms of voice recognition. Every time I use Siri she says she can help me and every time I try to text or write a note using the voice system, it does nothing. Any thoughts or known problems... This has been going on for about four days straight now.
Reset network settings. Doesn't work no matter if I'm connected to 3G or wifi.
Update to the iOS 5.0.1 and I hope your issue will be resolved, as it seems as a software issue to me, and I hope that it will help you solve your issue, as Apple claimed that they have fixed a lot of bugs of the iOS 5 in the new 5.0.1 update.
I was already at the latest OS. Turns out a full reset, via settings/general/reset was the trick... I tried just resetting the network setting without success, but the full reset did the trick... Sounds like this is a pretty common problem and this was the solution that was given to me... Glad it works but it's a pain. Hope the find and fix the bug soon! Thanks for all the help!!!
seanritchie73 said:
Reset the phone, make sure your 3G is on or wifi ,enable Siri

Turns out a full reset, via settings/general/reset was the trick... I tried just resetting the network setting without success, but the full reset did the trick... Sounds like this is a pretty common problem and this was the solution that was given to me... Glad it works but it's a pain. Hope the find and fix the bug soon! Thanks for all the help!!!
My Siri did not work much of yesterday even to just dial a number in the phone that I did not think it would require the server to do it. Also asking it to play songs was not working. Siri would say sorry but I can not help you right now....

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