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Verizon Iphone4 Owners


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Mar 21, 2011
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In your opinion what are some of the advantages of having the Iphone4 vs. Droid X? I am still trying to determine which is a better phone. Whatever I select I will have to hold on to it for 20 months.
In your opinion what are some of the advantages of having the Iphone4 vs. Droid X? I am still trying to determine which is a better phone. Whatever I select I will have to hold on to it for 20 months.

I have a co worker that has the droidx. I've played a little by with it, it seemed quick scrolling throughout the screens. But while scrolling throughout the app drawer it lagged alot, about the same as my eris. Her battery has horrible battery life since I've bought my iPhone I haven't even thought about my android device. You wont be disappointed with the iPhone 4.
I came from Droid Eris then the Droid Incredible and the iPhone 4 at least for me blows those out of the water.
In your opinion what are some of the advantages of having the Iphone4 vs. Droid X? I am still trying to determine which is a better phone. Whatever I select I will have to hold on to it for 20 months.

I actually just made a list of pros/cons and the iPhone won considerably. The screen is incredible, scrolling, panning, transitions, zooming, everything is smooth and responsive. Droid X rebooted twice randomly in one day of trying it out, the iPhones rear camera actually looks better quality in my tests.

I say go to a verizon store and try em both out, look at every possible thing you can think of, and compare them, and see what YOU like

Good luck!
In your opinion what are some of the advantages of having the Iphone4 vs. Droid X? I am still trying to determine which is a better phone. Whatever I select I will have to hold on to it for 20 months.

I actually just made a list of pros/cons and the iPhone won considerably. The screen is incredible, scrolling, panning, transitions, zooming, everything is smooth and responsive. Droid X rebooted twice randomly in one day of trying it out, the iPhones rear camera actually looks better quality in my tests.

I say go to a verizon store and try em both out, look at every possible thing you can think of, and compare them, and see what YOU like

Good luck!
IMO motorola has come up short with camera quality for years. Droid x wasn't much better than the original droid and neither have anything on the iphone 4 camera.
Had the Droid X and did love it. HOWEVER...iPhone 4's camera is leaps and bounds above the X, which is something I really like. Also, no random re-boots, no laggy screen scrolling, phenomenal display, fits well in the hand, and I could go on. A friend of mine has the X and he's happy with it (of course, he's anti-Apple). His wife has the iPhone 4 and she loves it too. Depends on your preference, but for performance, I think Apple has the advantage here.
i had 5 droid x replaced due to freezing up and other issues so i upgraded to iphone and never looked back.

but on a side note the DX has a 8MP cam vs iphone 5MP and the DX zooms in farther when looking at pix but thats it.
Ive had droid x, orig. Droid, droid eris, droid incredible, out of all, i loveeee my iphone 4!!!
Butter smooth!
Retina display is incredible!
Basically all the same features if not more
Front facing camera
Iphone 5mp camera looks better than droids 8mp camera
The good feeling you get everytime you see that apple logo and knowing what a prestigus device you have :) good luck w your decision!
I love the Droid X! I used to have it. I had the original iPhone in 2007 and it was revolutionary. Then it became stale after Android was released. I rode the Android train until a month or so ago.

Then I got the iPhone 4 for a switch. I do miss the customization aspect of Android and also the larger screen sizes that are available.
That being said the build quality, call quality, battery life and smoothness of the OS (even though it is a bit simplistic) are AMAZING!
iPhone all the way!! No comparison. No compromise. Some things the Droid offers is more customization BUT the iPhone makes up for in having it all in one device, i.e itunes, music, games, videos, etc...the style and quality of the device is above and beyond any droid device trying to compete, battery life? well I can basically not charge for about 2 days (playing games and talking)...seamless integration with my Mac, cheap and free games, beautiful screen...need I say more?

Coming from an Apple Preferred family..this is a no brainer for me!

Hope this helps make your decision!
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I had the original droid! Actually I head 4 of them and still have the original droid which my wife uses still. The reason I had 4 was because the continued to break down until I got the fourth one which has been a great phone but all the others were junk. I bought the droid x after that and with in 1 week it just started getting really hot the just would not boot up at all. So I forget android along with motorola replaced the droid x with the Verizon iPhone 4 and I had to ask myself why didn't I do this sooner. This iPhone is tops. I get a full day on a charge now as with the droid I had to charge it all the time. If you ask me now there is no other choice bit the iPhone. My wife wants one now so I guess when she is up for the upgrade she going for the iPhone.
My buddy has a droid x. It's a good phone with more customizable options, but it's more prone to lag and poor battery life IMO than the iPhone 4 is. Plus you just can't beat the retina display :D!
Well Im a Droid X user as well, both great phones. Iphone seems to have better battery life and apps closes by itself, dont need a task killer like on DX. Iphone 4 has great push notifications and etc.
In your opinion what are some of the advantages of having the Iphone4 vs. Droid X? I am still trying to determine which is a better phone. Whatever I select I will have to hold on to it for 20 months.

Build quality and "FREE" visual voice is pretty nice! :eek:)