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Stuck on 1x

Will ya stop talking letters and numbers!! I'm going dizzy 😝

Actually they sound like cars lol

It's bad enough my eldest lad texting me and me having to ring to ask what it said, without phones going all abbreviated too :p maybe I'm getting old


Both of my daughters tried to text me with "shorthand" notation. I politely informed them, "Proper grammar and punctuation or I don't respond". When the oldest didn't get picked up from school one day and she called to ask why, I informed her I didn't know I was supposed to. Her response, "I texted you!". I said, "Only text I got was some garbage I couldn't read". Never had an issue after that day from either of them.

Of course now they are both in their 20s, they rub it in my face that they can text properly at twice the speed I can. I hate getting old....
Skull One said:
Of course now they are both in their 20s, they rub it in my face that they can text properly at twice the speed I can. I hate getting old....

Better speed them thumbs up Skull!! :p
Both of my daughters tried to text me with "shorthand" notation. I politely informed them, "Proper grammar and punctuation or I don't respond". When the oldest didn't get picked up from school one day and she called to ask why, I informed her I didn't know I was supposed to. Her response, "I texted you!". I said, "Only text I got was some garbage I couldn't read". Never had an issue after that day from either of them.

Of course now they are both in their 20s, they rub it in my face that they can text properly at twice the speed I can. I hate getting old....

HaHa....grammar has gone since the first text message sent in 1992. I'm going to try that with my eldest though, he is 18 so would probably just shrug now anyway, like they do!

Better speed them thumbs up Skull!! :p

I actually use Siri to text faster than them. But I can't use Siri if I am around them because they both know to start talking loudly to mess Siri up. Dang KIDS! LOL
Skull One said:
I actually use Siri to text faster than them. But I can't use Siri if I am around them because they both know to start talking loudly to mess Siri up. Dang KIDS! LOL

Yeah! Darn them twenty year olds!! *Cough I'm 22!*

You know what all this time I've been thinking I've been talking to Darkstar and it's skull one. Got confused with the 20 yr old, thinking your only about 20 yourself. It's the avatar there virtually the same. You both trying to confuse the rest of us? (Laughs out loud)

iHolophyte said:
You know what all this time I've been thinking I've been talking to Darkstar and it's skull one. Got confused with the 20 yr old, thinking your only about 20 yourself. It's the avatar there virtually the same. You both trying to confuse the rest of us? (Laughs out loud)


Na never! ;)!!