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.please need help.!!!

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New Member
Jan 26, 2013
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Hello everyone,

My brother found an iphone 5 the other day and wanted to take the sim card out. He used a toothpick and the toothpick broke in the sim card slot hole. He tried fishing it out and that did not work. Now that little piece is stuck and the super glue trick wont work. I doubt I can take it to an apple store since its not ours. My plan is to take it to a specialist and have it opened. However, I want to know if this would actually work. Can this piece of toothpick somehow get pushed out if the device was to be taken apart?
The only advice you're going to get here regarding an iPhone that you've found is.... take it to your local Police Dept. and report where you found it. We will not provide or allow our members to provide information that aids in the use of devices that do not belong to you. Thank you for your undersrtanding.

Thomasjtsi, iPF Staff

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