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Only 1Gb of Ram ?


New Member
Sep 19, 2012
Reaction score
I was waiting for Tim Cook to talk about the upgraded amount of Ram but it looks like the iP6 will have only 1Gb.

I'm having trouble with safari crashing with pages with videos or a comment section for example. I wonder how the new model will fare with so little memory.
Hmmm, I didn't even realize it was only 1GB. I thought the standard these days was 2 minimum, and that more phones would start moving to 3 pretty soon. This is very disheartening. Just another thing to consider in my decision on which new phone to get.
As long as it runs well, I don't care. Iphones always have lower specs than Android phones, but still run really well.
As long as it runs well, I don't care. Iphones always have lower specs than Android phones, but still run really well.

I don't want something that just runs "well", I want something that runs great!
What is the downside to the 1GB of ram vs the 2? This is a real question for you tech guys, I'm a trade guy and don't know if it even matters
I have to disagree with the lower specs comment. The A series chips have always made excellent and very competitive benchmarks for their respective generation. Plus, my galaxy note 3 has 3GB of RAM, but Verizons and Samsungs bloatware, take up 2GB of my RAM at all times, so the 3GB of RAM on that device is moot. Unless of course, you root it, but we're talking stock right meow. :p
I have to disagree with the lower specs comment. The A series chips have always made excellent and very competitive benchmarks for their respective generation. Plus, my galaxy note 3 has 3GB of RAM, but Verizons and Samsungs bloatware, take up 2GB of my RAM at all times, so the 3GB of RAM on that device is moot. Unless of course, you root it, but we're talking stock right meow. :p
Agreed ^^^ The bloatware kills my VZW phones. Titanium is the only way to freeze the programs and that requires root. Hence the reason I'm planning on buying from the Apple Store.
64 bit processor has anything to do with memory?

Sent from my SM-N9005
Let's see if I can remember how this goes...

1 byte = 8 bits.

CPUs work on exabytes which are multiples of bytes. Processors work off 2 to the power of ___. A 64-bit processor means that it can process 16 exabytes bits at a time.


Any geeks see something I did wrong? It's been 13 years since I learned all of this.

Edit: Forgot the original question. Processors work in conjunction with RAM. The more processor bits, the more RAM you can utilize. RAM is the area of temporary storage before the CPU processes the data. Your internal storage is like the hard drive in your computer. It saves the information to be used at a later date even when your phone's turned off. RAM is dumped when power is removed, or you close a program.

In Verizon/AT&T/Sprint/US Cellular/etc. Android phones, the mobile provider installs a lot of apps that use RAM on start up. This process is more commonly referred to as running in the background. Apple does not allow manufactures to install these types of apps. On Android phones, the user can stop those processes from running, but they have to gain full control over the phone's OS. This process is known as rooting and voids the warranty of the phone.
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