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New to jailbreaking


New Member
Aug 8, 2011
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I recently got an iphone 4 and I am planing to jailbreak it (although I have second thoughts). I have experience with hacking PsP, so this is not whole new area for me.

I have several questions about this topic, if you could help me I'd appreciate it:
i.) During the jailbreak, how common is that iPhone bricks? I've read a simple restore via iTunes can fix it, is this true? Does that mean I have no worries about screwing my iphone over?
ii.) How do I know is my iPhone GSM or CDMA? I've noticed those two terms are pretty common here.
iii.) Which exactly version do I have? While you guys are talking about jailbreaking, is it importmant which my firmware is or version?
For example, it says my version is 4.3.2 (8H7) and my Modem Firmware is 4.10.01; Is my firmware/version too high for jailbreaking, and is downgrading safe?

Thank you for your time!
1) It is not possible to brick an iPhone, if something goes wrong, the device can always be restored in recovery mode.

2) If the phone is GSM it will have a sim card slot, if it is CDMA it won't.

3) The firmware you are currently on is jailbreakable just go to JailbreakMe 3.0 in Safari on the phone to jailbreak. It is not possible for you to downgrade because you need SHSH keys to downgrade. Make sure you don't update your firmware because the latest firmware(4.3.5) only has a tethered jailbreak.
Can I ask a question? If it's not possible to "brick" as you all call it, why is this? Had apple allowed that so you can jailbreak it, or is it the software that allows the writing of it to revert back? I know most software once written on a system usually will not delete completely but sit in the background and can corrupt the phone in later months/years, as with PC's..... Unless it's something apple has allowed and written it into the iOS knowing people would jailbreak, allowing complete removal if required.
It has nothing to do with Apple. The hardware has a built in recovery mode so that no matter what you do to the software, it can always be reverted back to factory settings.
Jmills87 said:
It has nothing to do with Apple. The hardware has a built in recovery mode so that no matter what you do to the software, it can always be reverted back to factory settings.

Yeah thought as much. Well done to the jail breaking hardware enabling this. 4/5 years ago such concepts wouldn't have even mattered yet thought of by developers. The world is finally listening to their customers! I dread to think what technology will be about in another 20 years. Ahhhhhh@ the thought of that.
Just an update guys, I did jailbreak it and it works perfectly fine, thanks to Jmills87.
Honestly I am disapointed with the content, but overall its better than original.

The themes in Cynthia (most of them) are poorly done, they only change wallpapers without touching the icons / slide screen. Currently I am using "Atomic Glow _HD" Theme and I am statisfied with it.

Is there anything specific I should have on my iPhone that you guys hardly recommend? I tried biteSMS but it was a trial so I decided to delete it.
Themes change icons just fine. This is what my phone looks like using a Winterboard theme called BlackUPS
