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looking for a texting app to help make texting more fun.!


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
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so i recently had a android phone. and i loved the feature of having an app for texting that you could customize with colors and backgrounds. ive been looking for two days and i havent found one thing like that for the iphone 4... is there anything out there.? how do i get it.?
i don even have a setting button that will let me put a background on my texting app... boring.! please help.
Hi, welcome to iPhoneForums. I'm Jon.

Please take some time to peruse the IPF Rules
: iPhoneForums.net Forum Rules - Please Read and Respect our Rules

Here are some guides that may suit your needs.
iPhone Tips & Tricks | What is jailbreaking? | Thinking of Jailbreaking but are not sure |Can I Jailbreak my iPhone on this iOS/Jailbreak Status Thread

My particular field of expertise is iOS Jailbreaking and Unlocking.

You can, but you'll need to jailbreak your iPhone to do so. Or, you'll need a developer account ($99 annual fee) to change the cores and system files if you're not jailbreaking (free).