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Iphone and IPad: What differences in apps?

Boston Jim

New Member
Aug 12, 2014
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This may be a stupid question, but if I buy a Wi-Fi + cellular iPad, do I lose anything over the Iphone except 1. The ability to make telephone calls. 2. Greater mobility? I guess the question comes down to, "Are there major apps for the iPhone that don't work on the iPad?" Thanks for any help on this.
Nope, sometimes there is an app for both devices. Plenty of times i run the iphone version on the tablet
This may be a stupid question, but if I buy a Wi-Fi + cellular iPad, do I lose anything over the Iphone except 1. The ability to make telephone calls. 2. Greater mobility? I guess the question comes down to, "Are there major apps for the iPhone that don't work on the iPad?" Thanks for any help on this.

If carrier allows hot spot you save the cost of another device...just use iPhone as hot spot and link to it. Same accomplished, save new contract, and bout $100.00 over cost of wi-fi
I've seen that app situation the other way around. I see many great apps for iPad that are not available for iPhone.