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iOS5 & Settings


New Member
Oct 16, 2011
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I have an iPhone 4, upgraded to iOS5, jb using redsn0w. On my jb ipad2, I can see my Cydia apps in settings. On my iPhone, I cannot. WTF? I already had to jb twice to get Cydia to work right, do I need to do it a 3rd time to see the settings, too?

Thanx for ur in advance!
what cydia apps have you installed? have they been updated to work with iOS 5?

ive only installed a few but some by design dont show up in the settings list but the ones i have that do show up in settings are.... activator, adblocker, bolt, and five icon switcher.
what cydia apps have you installed? have they been updated to work with iOS 5?

ive only installed a few but some by design dont show up in the settings list but the ones i have that do show up in settings are.... activator, adblocker, bolt, and five icon switcher.

I have Winterboard, ScollingBoard, MyWi, IntelliStatus, Five-Column SpringBoard, Dashboard for Maps, CyDelete, and Activator.
i dont think winterboard is full compatible even tho they state it is. a couple of other members were having the same problem.