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hey guys, Add me Blaze305 im a lvl 16 in dragonvale, I log inseveral times per day, Ill send Gems If ya send me. Holla
Hi guys! I'm new to dragonvale and lovin it so far! You can always add me on game center. My ID is Dubzuz.

I will return gems to every1 that sends me jems. It might take a few days beczuse I can only send 3 a day. But I write down the names of those who send me so I won't forget ;)
Looking for reliable people to gem for gem with. I play dragonvale everyday and need friends. I will gem back!
Add me,
My name is -Aneurysm (with the hyphen)
I love this game and I need friends too!! Add me on gamecenter with name : Cuong DC. Nice to meet u !
i'll gift daily for everyone who gift gems for me. add me : Cuong DC
i'll gift daily for everyone who gift gems for me. add me : Cuong DC