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Do I really need screen protector?


Sep 26, 2012
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My question might be kind of silly but I'm still hesitating if we really need screen protector for iPhone 5?
I am using iPad 3 for a long while and it's also a bunch of screen protectors for it ... but many opinions exists ( and not only opinions ) that the screen on iPad 3 is so strong/hard that actually it does not need screen protector.
Obviously it won't harm ... but I don't see any issues with my iPad 3 at all?
Maybe the same is true for iPhone 5 as well?
Well...its probably best to get a screen protector. Just make sure you don't cheap out on it, otherwise it will likely be thick, cloudy and bubble. I personally have always used screen protectors as I am a bit rough on my phone and take it everywhere. At least get a case, as it will prevent real damage. These guys have some nice iphone 5 cases: DualPro iPhone 5 Case | Shop Tech, Gadgets and Gear | WebKomet

Good luck!
I have never used a screen protector on my iPhone 4 or on my new iPhone 5. I just do not like the feel of the screen. I also do not use a case.
I look at screen protectors as an insurance policy against the possibility that a key or other object, that is in my pocket, from doing damage to the screen.

And I use Ghost Armor for my screen protectors. They tend to make the best form fitting and optically clear ones in my opinion.
No. Despite what some people say you cannot scratch glass easily. Look on the internet you will see people taking keys and sawing their iPhone with them. Nails dropped on them. Glass may break but it doesn't scratch easily. Just don't put it in your pocket when you have diamonds or diamond dust in your pockets.

I have been using touch screen phones for 4 years and carried most of them in my pocket. Not one scratch. I clean mine with wipes I get at the optical department at Wal-Mart. $3.00 for a box of 50.
No doubt about the diamond part. Wife found that out the hardware in her purse. Droid, wedding ring, close quarters and running to and from her car. Screen lost that battle. She isn't allowed to have a new phone until it has a screen protector on it. LOL.

Her current iPhone 4 has a cut in the screen protector from her ring. Need to replace it soon.
my wife has my old Nokia N95 still going strong :) no screen protector no nothing
well ... it's interesting how opinions vary on the same subject. I do know that exist a lot of things that people believe are true but at some point later it'll be revealed it was wrong :)
I like to use the anti-glare matt screen protector, it helps to cut down reflections and prevent eye strain.
I always have a screen protector. Tried going without one on my ipad and i stuck a piece of paper from work between the smart cover and the screen. The paper scuffed the screen up pretty bad. Got it replaced and immediately put it in a griffin survivor case with a built in screen protector.

When you ask, some people will say you wont scratch them. Thats not the real question you should be asking. The real question is whether your willing to find out for yourself.
I use screen protector. Put my iPhone under full protection.
Go with a screen protector. My kiddo slid my iPhone 4 across the table by accident and the sugar on it scratched the screen. The back of it is scratched horribly from everyday use. My iPhone 5 has a screen protector from day one.
i always always use a screen protector,i also have a protector on the back of my 5 and a bumper,i also keep my iPhone in a slip case......i'm taking NOOOO chances.