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Data restriction


New Member
Sep 7, 2014
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2 kids that need phones, but need to keep their data restricted to 2 gig each. We use AT&T. I know the 4s we would get them, don't have a way to restrict. Any suggestions? 11 & 12 yr old don't know any better and just telling them 2 gb is their limit, ain't gonna cut it. Thx dm
2 kids that need phones, but need to keep their data restricted to 2 gig each. We use AT&T. I know the 4s we would get them, don't have a way to restrict. Any suggestions? 11 & 12 yr old don't know any better and just telling them 2 gb is their limit, ain't gonna cut it. Thx dm

With AT&T, there is a way to stop data on the phones. I have the [free] AT&T app and I can log into my account. From there, there is a tab to view each phone on the account. And, again, there is an option to turn off data use for that line.

You could tell them you are monitoring data and, if they go over, that's it, they are shut off until the next data/pay cycle. You turn their data off and they're on WiFi.

It's a bit, cause you have to physically monitor the data usage. But, I don't know of any other way to limit the data, sorry.

I heard the samsung phones there is a restriction setting. Perhaps there will come out an app for what I want on the 4s. Gosh you'd think there would be. I surely can not be alone. It's as if though the carrier wants you to exceed the limit. Thx for you input.