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Cydia Battery Drain

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New Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I was having a serious battery drain issue and restored Iphone w/o jailbreaking. Had many apps and din't want to start taking out one by one so I started from scratch. For a week I used the phone stock and the battery performance was excellent but I missed the functionality of what I had previously. All I have installed now is the following,

App List,
Ask to Call,
Big Boss Icon,
Bug Fix Duplicate Icons,
Bug Fix,
Stuck Pages,
Cydia Installer,
Cydia Translations,
DePersisit Wifi,
Mobile Substrate and
Substrate Safe Mode

Some of these seem to have been downloaded with the Cydia install. Would any of these cause battery drain?
None of these would cause battery drain. Most of them "have to be installed" to even use any mobile substrate tweaks.

Module Substrate & Sunstrate safe mode are automatically installed when you install a tweak....and is completely assumed anyone who is jailbroken has those installed....same for Cydia installer and translations and big boss icon set.

Cydia installer is Cydia itself.

Almost everything you mentioned is installed by default.
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Download battery fix from . It works. It saved my battery life.
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Thomasjtsi, iPF Staff
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Download battery fix from sanely repo. It works. It saved my battery life.

LOL. That tweak does not work. If you think it does then it is completely in your head. There was a lot of fuss about this tweak. And you are not allowed to talk about or promote piracy related repos here/

It was even removed from repo for "FALSE advertising"!. If you removed it, you wouldn't be able to install it again becasue it would not be there anymore.
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If anything it would be "DePersisit Wifi". This tweak is 100% pointless in iOS 5. iOS already does what this tweak claims to do. and it reconnects in intervals to check for pushed data.
Thank you all. Have just gotten used to the battery drain. Had issues where I had to reboot and since I only have the tethered jailbreak have only kept a few "essential" tweaks. Hopefully the untethered break comes out soon.
jschlis said:
Thank you all. Have just gotten used to the battery drain. Had issues where I had to reboot and since I only have the tethered jailbreak have only kept a few "essential" tweaks. Hopefully the untethered break comes out soon.

Eeeh....tethered jailbreaks are more stable any way.
If that tweak doesn't work then why has it doubled my battery life.
I just installed it Friday. Obviously it's still up.
Cain01 said:
If that tweak doesn't work then why has it doubled my battery life.

It hast. You have to be lying. Post screen shots of this "doubled" battery usage and I will believe you.
I will do it tomorrow. I restarted my phone do it won't show it. I swear on my life it is better.
Cain01 said:
I will do it tomorrow. I restarted my phone do it won't show it. I swear on my life it is better.

Okay. ........
How's that so far?


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