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New Member
Jun 12, 2017
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Kaç kere servise gönderdim ekrandan sürekli çıt sesi geliyor bunun kendi başımıza çözümü nedir acaba ?
Welcome to iPhone Forums, bmwsem!

Could you please explain your problem in greater detail, and in English, if possible, so that we're able to help?
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iPhone 6 from the bottom right corner of my phone to make changes when the Fence was the sound,I sent the screen changed the complete service,Then I got a phone call and a month later began to sound from the upper-left Fence so screen, enter into the chassis was dating..I saw a video about it on YouTube but I didn't quite understand
Did you contact Apple and tell them about your problem? Was the screen changed by Apple, or someone else?
We know big sister wasn't trying to tell him, but applying I