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New Member
Jul 18, 2012
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Hey guys! I've been an apple user for 5 years now, and I still haven't found my favorite app of all time. I am a current owner of an IPhone4, and I want to find my favorite app of all time. Any suggestions?
I am not more interested in gaming but likes content apps more. You can check some from my favorites
The pillar of the earth
C&EN mobile
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The web designer's idea

check them up...
i always recommend Flipboard,one of THE best free apps out there.
I also really enjoy Flipboard. It looks super clean and has awesome animations when flipping pages.

Pulse is another fun app. I just really enjoy staying up-to-date with current news and these apps are the best way to do it, in my opinion.
As lifeforms mentioned, Pulse is a great one if you <3 news. Be sure to check that one out!
MLB 2012. You have to love baseball, and pay $24.99 a month for full access but for me it is worth it. I have never spent a better $25 in my life. :)
Digging up an old thread but I just replaced plex media server on my pc with airvideo server and holy S#&t Im impressed. Theres too many features to list but streaming videos from home to anywhere over 3g and wifi WITH airplay ability just made this my favorite app.
Pro football radio! Prompts you to all flagship radio stations in NFL Cities. Allows you to listen to any football game on the fly! It's new and unproven but based on this past weekend! Works as advertised! This has the potential to be a lifesaver for people like me who is often working and unable to watch football as much as I would like! Check it out Football Freaks! 99 pennies-:)
Lol my fav app is probably pulse. Its the best way to catch up on news. Its a free app and you have to get it!
Gotta say mine may be iBooks, where ever I am, coverage or not, i always have something to read.