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Apple is aware of battery life problem on 4s and iphone 4

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Col.bris said:
Scull is an authorized Apple iOS developer and yes he would receive any new updates prior to the general public. My comment was a general comment stating developers in general need to test the issue before Apple releases the update simple as that.

Plus one 😁
If your numbers are credible, this is the first report I have seen of this that shows a similar baseline to what I have seen on my 4S. What is odd is, my 4S was a direct copy of my 4. And the 4 had been on iOS 5 for over 2 months with no issues. While it is possible the error is across iOS 5 on all models, it must be set off by something VERY ODD to not being showing up across all the news reports.

Hav'nt uploaded pics from the phone via tapatalk yet so I hope this works..




Sent from my iPhone 4 using Tapatalk
I wonder why this huge battery drain doesn't effect all 4s phones? Ever since i decided to 1st buy my iphone i was reading how battery life is horrible, Infact when i bought it i purchased the mophie juice pack plus also just because of this. I decided to test my phone and see how much battery i had in a 24 hour period without charging of any kind. This morning when i got up it was off the charger for a total 24 hours, my battery was still at 48%. How i use my phone is this. 1 hour of music while i work out every morning, then phone calls, text messages, facebook, iphone forum, Jeep forum and wrangler forum, wheather channel app and more. I don't use blue tooth so that is off, I only connect to wifi once a week to back up icloud, otherwise that is off too.
As for the mophie juice pack i don't use it often, just nice to have incase i ever do need that extra juice for when my phone gets low enough and I'm not near a charger.
So does anyone know why some phones have a bug in them and not all of them? Or is the bug already in the system but turned on by something someone does to their phone?
Absolutely! That sounds a lot better. I have to say being an IT student, it has really been helpful reading your post. Although I have had limited training in programming, I'm able to some degree follow your explanations.
scotiez said:
I wonder why this huge battery drain doesn't effect all 4s phones? Ever since i decided to 1st buy my iphone i was reading how battery life is horrible, Infact when i bought it i purchased the mophie juice pack plus also just because of this. I decided to test my phone and see how much battery i had in a 24 hour period without charging of any kind. This morning when i got up it was off the charger for a total 24 hours, my battery was still at 48%. How i use my phone is this. 1 hour of music while i work out every morning, then phone calls, text messages, facebook, iphone forum, Jeep forum and wrangler forum, wheather channel app and more. I don't use blue tooth so that is off, I only connect to wifi once a week to back up icloud, otherwise that is off too.
As for the mophie juice pack i don't use it often, just nice to have incase i ever do need that extra juice for when my phone gets low enough and I'm not near a charger.
So does anyone know why some phones have a bug in them and not all of them? Or is the bug already in the system but turned on by something someone does to their phone?

Nothing is perfect. That's like asking why some people are born with no defects while others are. Some short, some tall, some even born together. Stuff happens.
I clipped the quote down to the three questions so I can address them directly.

I wonder why this huge battery drain doesn't effect all 4s phones?
So does anyone know why some phones have a bug in them and not all of them?
Or is the bug already in the system but turned on by something someone does to their phone?

1) Because it is a data or settings issue that causes iOS to behave unexpectedly.

2) They all have the bug.

3) It is a combination of two factors. Carry over data/settings from their original iPhone or a change the user induced after a new phone setup. The "carry over" crowd is more affected than the "new" crowd based on my reading of complaints.
This is the WRAP UP post for the first iOS 5.0.1 beta 24 hour battery run.

After my last post last night I broke down and still used the phone to play a game, go figure ;), but I was very pleasantly surprised that I didn't wreck the numbers.

Battery remaining: 41% - This is good news considering I added 13 minutes of heavy gaming to the run. 1% per hour in standby which is the Apple projected.

Usage was: 4 hours and 42 minutes.

Standby: 1 day and 0 hours. *Apple if you are reading this KEEP IT IN hours and minutes please :)

Projected works out to: 8 hours of usage and 40 hours of standby.

Now lets look at the numbers, the math and what it I perceive it all means. I believe I have established two base lines right now.

Standby time as a raw number is actually pretty BOGUS for projection. Because standby time INCLUDES usage time in its numbers. IE the phone adds time to standby no matter what. So we have to back out usage from standby to get anything useful at all.

So lets do that.

24 hours of standby minus the 4.75 hours of usage gets us 19.25 hours of true standby or roughly 20% of our battery.
So that means of the 59% that was used only 39% of it was for actual "on screen time" or "usage". So now we can take 282 minutes of usage divided by the 39% of the battery used. Which gives us 7 minutes and 14 seconds per percentage point of use. Which is 12 hours of projected use IF I never allow the phone to go to sleep and use it straight with no pauses.

So my target is 24 hours of standby with 9 hours of usage. Lets see if it is possible just from this data run.

100% minus 24% for standby leaves us 76% for "MY", your mileage will and can vary, idea of mixed usage.

76% times 7 minutes and 14 seconds gives 9 hours and 9 minutes of usage.

That looks like a pretty successful first test for iOS 5.0.1 beta. Now I need to start testing the "worst" case scenarios under the beta. And see what it takes to get a "closer" to true 1% to X minutes X seconds of on screen time.
Anyone know of a real data hog app so I can test my battery?

Also Skull, did you get the second beta of 5.0.1? 9A404. They said you can get it OTA. Wondering what this one will yield.
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Just got the email on Beta 2. Installing now and will re-run the original test starting tomorrow morning.
Skull One said:
To continue the "Where is the battery at" saga, I am happy to report some more good news.

Prior to this version of the iOS I am testing, I could expect to see roughly 10% battery with 6.5 hours of use and 18 hours of standby. I think those days are now behind me.

Right now I am at 62% battery. 3 hours and 19 minutes of usage with 12 hours and 51 minutes of standby.

This roughly equates to 8 hours and 45 minutes with 32 hours and 15 minutes of standby.

My hope is to see an average of 9 hours of use with 24 hours of standby. I think that is very doable now. And for the very first time, I believe I can let the phone stay unplugged overnight. And to test that theory I will do just that tonight.

Is this with everything on, WiFi, blue tooth, location services?

Right now I get usage 7hrs 37 min, standby 1day. That's with everything off and no apps on phone, only contacts and calendar and me draining battery til it dies b4 charging to 100%.

Should I expect to see improvement with the update?
Is this with everything on, WiFi, blue tooth, location services?

Right now I get usage 7hrs 37 min, standby 1day. That's with everything off and no apps on phone, only contacts and calendar and me draining battery til it dies b4 charging to 100%.

Should I expect to see improvement with the update?

I am running with EVERYTHING on. Not only do I have WiFi, Bluetooth and Location services (all of them save iAds), I also have full diagnostic tracking with location data being sent to Apple because I am a developer.

Yes, because I already am seeing improvements.
I am running with EVERYTHING on. Not only do I have WiFi, Bluetooth and Location services (all of them save iAds), I also have full diagnostic tracking with location data being sent to Apple because I am a developer.

Yes, because I already am seeing improvements.

This brings me hope Skull. I just restored as new and got 3.5 hours of use before it died. I had everything off but 3G and streamed Netflix movies for 2.5 hours.
I just installed beta 2 and started from 100%. Set up has new iPhone too. So far not great. Lost 12% in 40minutes. Not great guys.
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