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Zero Tek Coming Soon


New Member
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
***** HAPPY HOLIDAYS *****

King Fish and his minions have wreaked havoc on your home planet. It is up to Zero-Tek Corp to restore peace and tranquility back to their homeland. You, a humanoid soldier hired by Zero-Tek Corp will have to traverse various geographic locations within your home planet to bring justice and freedom back to your people.

You will fight your ways using your powerful blaster and killer laser rays to destroy all that is in your path. You must also jump your way through various obstacles and platforms, while avoiding deadly mines, ballistic missiles, spikes, and various enemies that stand in your path.

It is your duty and destiny to reclaim your planet and finish King Fish once in for all.

***** HINTS *****

- Double tap to dash through intense obstacles
- Use your specials wisely
- Destroy all boxes to reveal whats hidden in them
- Collect all stars to gain extra points
- Beware of hidden enemies that are waiting to stop you

***** HAVE FUN *****

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