YouTube/video problem after Limera1n jailbreak

YouTube/video problem after Limera1n jailbreak


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Oct 14, 2010
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The problem is this. When trying to play a video on YouTube or through the iPod, the screen will not rotate to will only remain in portrait. Plus, there is only audio and no video..and the time counter will continue to play. Everything was fine after jailbreak. I did install Lsrotator and was also fine after that. I noticed the problem today and even removed Lsrotator, did a reboot and change.

I have an iPhone 4 on 4.1

Anyone else have this issue?
I am having the exact same problem. I did a restore from a recent back up and that seemed to fix the problem, only to have the problem return within hours... I am trying a full restore to factory settings. I am going to re-jailbreak afterword, (with greenpois0n this time just for kicks) and see if that helps. I will post results.
I am having the exact same problem. I did a restore from a recent back up and that seemed to fix the problem, only to have the problem return within hours... I am trying a full restore to factory settings. I am going to re-jailbreak afterword, (with greenpois0n this time just for kicks) and see if that helps. I will post results.

Funny thing is, my problem fixed itself the next day...and hasn't come back since. Interesting.

Now, I have the "waiting for activation" bug on facetime...
It appears my restore and whatnot was a little overkill. I'm running a Cydia package called TVOut2 Mirror TVout. There is an SB Setting toggle for it. When toggled on, no video, toggled off, works fine. ymmv.