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YouTube comment chain issue among multiple apps


New Member
Feb 16, 2013
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Hey forum!
I hope you guys can help me out. I'm trying to create comment chains on my youtube videos using a mobile device (iphone5).

Before you all get up in arms i realize there are many ways to make a comment on a youtube video through various browser apps and the official youtube app. BUT... there does not seem to be a way to make a comment "chain" that you would see traditionally from replying to a comment from a desktop browser.

Allow me to clarify myself.

DESIRED COMMENT CHAIN (VIA desktop browser Chrome)
As you can see this allows the user to click on "Show the comment" and you would be able to see the history of that conversation.

I'm not going to bother with a screen shot but the official youtube app does not even supply a "reply" button so all you can do is add a standalone comment to a video.

From all three browser apps that i have listed above when replying directly to a comment it instead creates a standalone comment with the auto generated text of the replyee plus your message. Signaled by my sad emoticon, there isn't the link to see what the reply was in response to. I'm not even sure if the user of the original comment is notified that they have been replied to but that's a whole different conversation. What I'm after is trying to make my comments feel like a conversation as opposed to a bunch of scattered comments where the reader has to search for what someone is responding to.

I also realize that in the chrome app you can enter your youtube account and go to your inbox where it allows you to see comments posted to your videos and reply accordingly but in this situation it is actually sending a message/email directly to the recipient and nothing ends up getting posted to the comment section of the video at all.

I would really appreciate anyone's assistance with the request. It is my assumption that this functionality is likely java driven and thus it does not exist in the iphone ecosystem.
