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Want to have a Unique iPhone?. download 'illusion 4 iPhone' from the App Store.


New Member
Sep 11, 2011
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Do you want to have a Unique iPhone?:iphone4vert:.
Now 'illusion 4 iPhone' is available on the App Store:appstore:.

AppStore Link App Store - Illusion 4 iPhone

YouTube Link [ame=http://www.youtube.com/user/AppleProgrammer#p/u/0/g397kSfbWu4]AppleProgrammer's Channel - YouTube[/ame]

* Multi-Touch Lock screens
* FingerPrint Lock screens.
* Broken screens.
* Lock Property screens.
* VoicePrint Lock screens.
looks pretty cool, i might have to try it out, thanks for the info on this.
Downloaded and then deleted - this app should be on the top ten for waste of iPad space.
Thank you majs. BTW it says Illusions x).

It says illusions? I don't know why Apple allowing these kinda stupid apps within the app store really. What is the use of such app? Lock screen pictures of $1??? *moderated*
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Thank you majs. BTW it says Illusions x).

It says illusions? I don't know why Apple allowing these kinda stupid apps within the app store really. What is the use of such app? Lock screen pictures of $1??? *moderated*

Many ppl like these illusions to trick their friends.
If you don't like it, simply don't download it.
Many apps are like this 1 but they're not Clear.
Best Regards.