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Trip Splitter! Its time to Travel again!


New Member
Oct 4, 2010
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Trip Splitter is now available for the Iphone! Check out the site here! For anyone traveling with friends or colleagues, figuring out expenses can be a huge burden. We have solved this problem with our new app which allows you to split expenses quickly and easily between all group members.

- everyone gets their own color and button
- simply touch people's buttons to signify their participation (using) and paying details
- people can be payers-only or participants-only or both
- multiple people can be payers
- splits can be evenly spread (automatic) or unevenly spread (assisted)

Expense items are easy to create and edit:
- touch a date on the main table view to create an item for that day (dates can be changed later)
- touch an item already in the list to edit or delete it
- touch person buttons to configure payers and participants
- optionally track payment type - cash, credit, debit, check and gift

Main view shows all critical information:
- items are grouped into table sections by day
- item row shows name, participants and payers by color code, and expense amount
- totals shown by day
- person buttons can be pre-configured with participant and payer defaults

Try it on your next trip and see how much easier traveling can be when the bill sharing is figured out for you. After the first trip you will agree 1.99 is a very cheap price for your happiness. Thanks and hope you like the app!
