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Overtraining your Touch ID?


Dec 10, 2012
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Hi everyone, so, I was having problems with my touch ID on my iPhone 6 plus and after a lot of search on the net I found out about this "overtraining" method... For those who don't know basically once you register your fingerprint and you go in those settings if you keep resting your finger on the sensor it highlights the registered finger and basically you're givin the sensor more information so it's more accurate...

But if I do this too much can it actualky get less accurate or can it only get more accurate? This is what I'm wondering
Hi everyone, so, I was having problems with my touch ID on my iPhone 6 plus and after a lot of search on the net I found out about this "overtraining" method... For those who don't know basically once you register your fingerprint and you go in those settings if you keep resting your finger on the sensor it highlights the registered finger and basically you're givin the sensor more information so it's more accurate...

But if I do this too much can it actualky get less accurate or can it only get more accurate? This is what I'm wondering
Once you successfully set up a fingerprint in TouchID, going into TouchID in settings and resting your finger on the TouchID button is not going to add any more information about your fingerprint.
Once you successfully set up a fingerprint in TouchID, going into TouchID in settings and resting your finger on the TouchID button is not going to add any more information about your fingerprint.
This is what I read in many websites, not everywhere but actually check this out, it speaks of it around the 11th min, 11:10 to be exact Security Now 440 TWiT.TV
Very interesting. I did watch that section of the video. Even if it doesn't work the way he describes there's certainly no harm that could be done by trying the method. I guess you'd have to decide for yourself if the touch recognition works better after this additional "training." I might note that this video came from January of 2014 and there were some touch ID issues, including touch ID fade, that were addressed in an update somewhere along the way. I personally have virtually no problems at all with touch ID since that update.
Yes, I found it very interesting as well, I tried and yes it did work quite a lot better... But now it appears that it works as "bad" as before I "overtrained" it... For some reason the very first fingers I had registered were perfect and never failed but then after a restore and another registration I can't make them to work as well as before and I find my self to often have to clean the sensor (which isn't dirty at all) or insert the password... I tried to register them plenty of times but still can't get them to work properly, what else can I try?
Small update: I noticed that:
if I press the home button and then ease the pressure and keep my thumb resting on the touch ID it works virtually everytime, only very few times it doesn't...

If I press the power button just to wake the screen and eventually swipe a notification and the rest the thumb on the touch ID sometimes (quite often) it doesn't work...

If I press the home button and quickly lift the thumb and them rest it on the sensor the rate of working is the same as the power button but......

If I press the power button just to check notifications, and then, while the screen is still awake, I press the home button and ease and rest the finger there the rate becomes lime the first scenario...

What does this mean? Please help :(