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J.P. Morgan Believes 5 Percent of Compatible iPhone Owners will Snag an Apple Watch in 2015


iPhoneForums.net News Team
Jun 15, 2010
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Bay Area, CA
Apple is ready to launch its wrist-worn gadget the Apple Watch in April. The release date is getting closer, however asking several folks whether or not they will be purchasing one resulted in mixed opinions. It's not just the people I've personally asked about Watch, the internet doesn't seem to sure if the device will be a success or a failure for Apple. Wearables are still a niche market, but some are saying 2015 will be the year where the market will begin to grow.

J.P. Morgan seems to be on the positive side of things regarding the Apple Watch. The investment firm released a study on Wednesday, showing that Apple could sell around 26.3 million units by the end of 2015.

Though the Apple Watch is limited to owners with an iPhone 5 or later, J.P. Morgan thinks that Apple will have around 400 million potential customers by the end of the March quarter. Out of those 400 million, J.P. Morgan believes five percent of iPhone owners will own a Watch by the end of 2015.

The firm also writes that the Apple Watch will push Apple stock to $145 by the end of the year. As for next year, J.P. Morgan predicts 13 percent of compatible iPhone owners will purchase the wearable gadget. Yesterday AAPL closed at $122.02, breaking records and giving the company a $700 billion dollar evaluation. Whether the Apple Watch is a success or a failure, our favorite fruit company is in the best position it can be.