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I need an iphone 4 32 gb FU

lol hell no, its why i never buy locked iphones and have to rely on devs. might save you a few bucks or squid but you end up having to rely on devs and keeping baseband to one that can be UNlocked and its all a waiting game for god knows how long each time when there is new firmware. some times new firmware has nothing worth upgrading to so ppl dont care but 4.2.1 is sweet. i would hate to be stuck waiting for unlock now. i did it with my iphone of 2007 because there where no available unlocked ones any where and i swore i would never buy a locked one again and i havent :D

ill buy the phone no matter the cost. and this year was no exeption the iphone 4 was 600£ english pounds factory unlocked. but id rather give out extra cash because i use two sims any way form other countries.. but some times when you use the carrier the phone is locked to they will agree to unlock it for you. not att though which seems to be the popular choice where to buy it locked and save a few $$